Eco-Friendly Friday

Welcome to Eco-Friendly Friday!  Please feel free to link up and share your eco-friendly posts, information, and contests! Of course, with anything new, it will start out small, but with your help, we can grow this into something big to help spread green living through our blogs.  We can influence the carbon footprint of others, one post at a time.

Please make sure you keep it family friendly.  If you have a giveaway to post, please note *Giveaway* in some way at the beginning of your entry.


Featured Post:

How to Build a Cloth Diaper Stash for $45

Cloth diapering doesn’t have to be expensive.  Once you get obsessed, like a lot of us, it can be VERY expensive, but if you’re doing this for money saving reasons, here are a few tips to get you started cloth diapering without a HUGE upfront cost.

The Eco-Friendly Friday Linkup will be shared on several facebook groups as well as twitter and other social media outlets.

Go Green!

(Grab your own Eco-Friendly Friday Linky Here)