Wordless Wednesday: Tower of Strength

Even the fastest marathon runners need support to keep themselves balanced. It was great to see Meb Keflezighi, last year's ING NYC Marathon winner (time 2 hours, 9 minutes, 15 seconds WOW), use Jared Fogel, with Subway and newbie marathon runner, as his support while stretching after a training session for this year's marathon in November.  It just shows you that no matter how advanced we may or may not be  in our health and fitness stage, we all need support from time to time to keep us from stumbling. I took this photo on Monday morning after our run…
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See. Lisa. Run. (not well, but run!)

Well, it's the two minutes and forty four seconds you've all been waiting for!  Yep, the vlog on my Smooth Fitness treadmill.  Once again, I apologize for the crumminess of my camera quality.  Wouldn't you know, my battery was dead from my LAST vlog, but it's a good thing that I checked it, because I'd hate to take off to NYC with a dead battery in my camera, right? Which reminds I have to check out the list of what NOT to bring on a Enjoy my very, very short vlog! After watching, I realize I need to relax more…
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