Even the fastest marathon runners need support to keep themselves balanced.

It was great to see Meb Keflezighi, last year’s ING NYC Marathon winner (time 2 hours, 9 minutes, 15 seconds WOW), use Jared Fogel, with Subway and newbie marathon runner, as his support while stretching after a training session for this year’s marathon in November.  It just shows you that no matter how advanced we may or may not be  in our health and fitness stage, we all need support from time to time to keep us from stumbling.

I took this photo on Monday morning after our run in New York City with Jared, Meb, and dozens of people from media as part of the Commit to Fit Campaign!

Disclosure: Subway paid for my trip to New York including a flight and all travel expenses. They also provided me with all of the goodies I’ll be giving away in my Commit2Fit Fridays.