Protect Your Family Against Harmful Chemicals – Stand up & #FightToxins

I think it's pretty awesome that people all across the country, like myself, are taking a stand to let Congress know that we are so over dealing with the insufficient chemical laws in the US. Seventh Generation, in coalition with the Toxin Freedom Fighters and its partners put together a petition at to let Congress know that we want to protect our families from horrible chemicals that have suspected links to things like cancer, birth defects, asthma, skin conditions, Alzheimer's disease, and so much more.  The goal was 100,000, and the number is growing by the day. I'm proud to say…
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Seventh Generation Eco-Friendly Cleaning Kit Review & Giveaway (1/22)

A month ago, I didn't think I'd be saying this, but I'm glad the holidays are over!  I'm ready to get back to a normal routine, cook less, be on the go less, and *eh hem* clean less.  Thankfully, though, this holiday season, I was prepared with a Seventh Generation Eco-Friendly Cleaning Kit with  cleaners that my entire family can use. Specialty Wood Surface Cleaner - Safely clean your dining room table with the fresh scent of natural lemon chamomile. We do not have too many wooden furniture surfaces in our new home, but our kitchen cabinets are made of…
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