For Christmas, this year, my 6 year old will be getting a briefcase.  Yes, you read that correctly – a briefcase.

No, he’s not a 6 year old super geek (like his daddy), but I can say that he’s one of those kids that sees something that he dubs cool in his mind, and he sticks with it.

What can POSSIBLY be cool about a briefcase, you ask?  Briefcases double as gun cases, didn’t you know!?

Apparently, he saw on some movie or show (probably something like Human Target, or Smallville), someone carrying around gun case, so now, he takes this old Parcheesi case (whatever it is) that used to be my grandpa’s, builds guns out of lego and make lightsabers out of markers, and he sticks them – safe and sound – inside.

briefcase for christmas

We noticed a couple of weeks ago that the case that would normally sit on a shelf 363 days out of the year (not built to be played with daily, obviously) is coming apart at the hinges.

I just hope it makes it til Christmas, or we’re going to have one VERY upset gunman on our hands.

That said…  Santa needs to get to looking for a briefcase that can withhold the abuse of 6 year old on a mission!