Do you have a favorite place to go see Christmas lights?

This weekend, we did ThanksChristmasing with the McCrory Family.  Actually, it was a combination of McCrory, Johnston, Smith, Hamilton, and Hensley.  It was FANTASTIC!  What were were thinking, not having our cameras out once everyone arrived?  We saw family we haven’t seen in YEARS!  Literally YEARS! Some we’d never met. My little cousin… not so little anymore! I’ve missed him SO much!  We had a great time.

More about that later… but, on our way home last night, Andy mentioned that KSBJ, the local Christian Radio StationChristmas lights specifically mentioned a big neighborhood in our area being THE PLACE to go to see .  We decided to extend our ThanksChristmasing weekend just a little longer.

So we went.

The kids were excited!  It takes about 15 minutes to get to said neighborhood, and on the way, Brax pointed out every fence or tree with a single strand of Christmas lights, so we thought he was going to be super stoked to see themed houses that we remember from when Kylie was 3 when we lived in that neighborhood.


We get to there, and Brax is already ready to go home!  We drove around for about 20 minutes and Hawk though everything was cool, but Mr. Fly By was driving too fast, and he kept missing, so we had to backtrack to several houses.

We drove through so many dark streets looking for lights.  When streets were lit up, they were awesome, but we spent more time searching than we actually did SEEING Christmas lights!

two of our favorite houses

christmas lights

Sorry for the photo quality!  It’s not easy to get pics of Christmas lights with a point and shoot!  This one looked JUST light a gingerbread house in person.  About 10 minutes later, we drove back by, and half of the lights went out!  No longer looked this pretty!

christmas lights

This one was beautiful!  I wish the photo came out better.  This is how you do it, folks!  Red, white, and green. It was crisp, clean, and breathtaking!

(I have a video of a roller coaster (it was cool) in front of a house, but Hawk was screaming because he couldn’t see – doesn’t make for great tv!)

After about 45 minutes, Kylie had to go to the restroom, Brax feel asleep, and Hawk was so worried about NOT going home that he wasn’t having a good time – so we went home!

What is it?  Is the Christmas cheer just about gone these days, or can families just not afford electric bills?

The good news is, we will try again next weekend – or even sometime this week!  I’m thinking we’ll get some kind of takeout, and let the kids eat in the van and make sure there’s a place for a potty break somewhere a long the way!  We’re definitely not going to give up on the Christmas lights this year!