Now I know why this ugly mug always has a smug look on his face.  This dude is smart. VERY smart!  Even before the invention of Xbox, he was sitting back thinking….  “I know exactly how I’m going to swoop into families’ homes, and take their money – while they’re at work – and they least expect it.”

Read Below for a PRIME example:

Yesterday afternoon, I’m sitting at my kitchen table, Skullcandy earbuds in (check these out, they’re killer!), listening to Pandora, while cutting out fabric to make some stuff to take up to The Children’s Carousel.

I see my phone light up, and the screen says (ICE) Andy Cell calling….

The conversation goes a little something like this:

Me:  Hello.

Andy: Get the boys off the Xbox RIGHT NOW.

Me: What?  Why?  What’s wrong?

—time out—

I’m thinking a number of things at this moment.  Who died?  Who’s on the way to our house? Is there a Special News Report?

—times in— (remember saying it like that?)

Andy:  They just bought $75 in Microsoft Points.

Me: Huh?  They’ve been playing their game for the past 20 minutes.

Andy:  Get them off right now.  I just got an email that they bought 6,000 Microsoft Points.

Me:  First of all, I’m working, and they are quiet, and being good.  What can be done about it now, I don’t know anything about this Xbox.  Call them and get a refund.  Tell them it was the kids.

Andy: I did, they’ve already spent the entire 2,000 points I bought yesterday to get my new Black Ops Maps, AND some of the points they bought.  They’ve downloaded 4 or 5 games already.

Me: They’re just playing there game.  They’re quiet.  It’s done.

—conversation truncated to protect… well, me—

So now, thanks to my boys – and I’m sure many, many, many boys around the world, Bill Gates has $75 more  in his pocket (just because he isn’t CEO anymore doesn’t mean he doesn’t get a good chunk of that money!), and Andy is set on Microsoft Points for a while (if the boys don’t spend them) PLUS, he’s out of space on his Xbox 360 Hard Drive.

The question NOW is… How do I keep a 4 year old from spending the points?  I guess there will be LOTS of pool time today!

Like money down the drain… so are the days of our lives…