Today’s the big day!  The beginning of the end!  The last of the Harry Potter movies will be released in theaters tonight – and I’m not going!

Buy/Rent Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1

I’ve blogged and blogged about Harry Potter until my fingers won’t cooperate over at, and I just can’t bring myself to pushing through that crowd this weekend!

Harry Potter Paperback Box Set 

My boys want to see it, and my DAD will probably even head out to the theaters sometime in the next few days!

Lego Harry Potter “Quidditch” T-shirt

MOST places are actually SOLD OUT for a few days (per an email we received from Fandango), so if you’re looking to head out this weekend, I surely hope you have your tickets in hand!

Top 10 Reasons I’m not fighting the Harry Potter Crowd this weekend!

10. Between the boys obsession and my dad’s collection, I’ve had enough Harry Potter for now!

9. The DVD will be out soon enough, and I have a perfectly comfy couch to watch it from.

8. A pregnant woman has no business scrappin’ for a place in line for seats.

7. I can’t pause  the big screen when I need to get up to use the facilities or GET MORE FOOD.

6. I’m pretty sure we should have packed up and headed out to the theater with a tent LAST WEEK so that we could get good seats in the theater.

5. I still remember, more than 10 years ago while in COLLEGE, how crazy people flipped out over the BOOKS being released.  No way!

4. I don’t think I watched the last 2 Harry Potter movies.  Someone will Facebook the highlights later, anyway.

3. In 15 years, they’ll have new technology and do a remake of all the movies anyway, and they will be soo much better.

2. I would actually have to pry my boys away from the Xbox Lego Harry Potter game, long enough to get them dressed to go.

1. Truth be told – after all the blogging I did, I actually forgot to pre-ordered our tickets. Doh!  Sorry kids!