This morning was an absolute mess!

I was getting a little work done when Jett woke up.  I always like to try to nurse him for a few minutes and play with him to get his little “good mood” juices flowing before I change him out of his nighttime diaper.

Normally,  he waits until mid morning or later to poop, but twice this week, he’s pooped before I was able to change him out of his nighttime diaper.  No biggie, right?  Ha.

Breastfed poop is more runny than other poop, so it’s like he has diarrhea all the time (except he doesn’t), so the diaper soaks up much of the liquid….. unless the diaper is already 100% saturated with pee from overnight.

So this morning, as I sit there playing with Jett, thinking about what diaper I was going to put on him to start the day, I see it.

The infamous poop face.

Not exactly this, but something similar.

Then, the poor kids just lets go!  It sounded like a gurgling  faucet going off in his diaper.

Thankfully, we were in cloth diapers and there were no leaks.  Thankfully.  I’ve had this kind of blowup that turned into a blowOUT with sposies!  But regardless of what kind of diaper he was wearing, the below story could have happened with any kind of diaper!

I get ready to change his diaper – knowing good and well it was going to be a two-wiper – so I got two wipes.

  • Mistake #1 – I didn’t put a towel or blanket down on the bed.

I took off his wool cover, and I unfastened the diaper.

  • Mistake #2 – I didn’t assess the masses before completely unfastening both sides of the diaper.

I pulled the diaper down (wipes still laying beside him, balled up like they were just wrung out), and what happened?

His hands went immediately to his nasty, slimy, poop covered junk.

  • Mistake #3 – I grabbed his hands to stop him from completely covering himself in poop.

When I grabbed his hands, BOTH FEET shot up, then together, then down, landing right inside the diaper!

  • Mistake #4 & 5 – I grabbed both hands with one hand and both feet with the other hand.

This turned into a squirmy, screamy mess!

I yelled for Hawk to bring me a towel, and he comes running into my bedroom looking at me like I was insane, and then he looks at me all dumbfounded.

  • Mistake #6 – We just moved, and he has no idea where I put the towels!

It took me all of 45 seconds to explain to him where to grab a towel, and when you’re in the sticky position I’m in, 45 seconds is a lifetime.

I lifted Jett up by his hands and feet like he was hog-tied, and asked Hawk to put the towel under him – yeah, because that worked!  He just threw the towel up there and ran off yelling “EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!”

By this time, there was poop all up and down his legs and arms, all over his rear, on his shirt, and all over my hands!

Rather than getting the towel under him, I took him to the towel,

  • Mistake #7 AVERTED! – It never even crossed my mind, at this point, that he would pee.

Thankfully, he was ABOVE the towel, so once it hit his legs that were tied up, I wrapped him up the best I could, and took him to the bathroom!  My bathroom only has a shower, and I knew it would take me entirely too long to get the water just right for him in there, so I turned the sink on and stuck his poor feet under there – cold.

Sinks are slippery when bathing a 9 month old covered in poop.

It took me about 15 minutes to get him cleaned up because he was grabbing for anything and everything around the sink.  It was a hot mess.

I finally got him back to the bed and a diaper put on him, immediately, and assessed the damage.

There was not a single drop or smear of poop on my bed or any of my clothes.  I could not believe it!

I just taught Andy, this weekend, never to take his diaper off without a wipe handy, just in case, so you don’t have to call someone in to bring you one.

Today, I learn a little from my own suggestion!  Never change a diaper without a towel or blanket on the bed!!

All I wanted to do was go back to bed, and all he wanted to do was get back in the water to splash around!  I was exhausted.