We all know that we can learn a thing or two just by listening to our kiddos, but have you ever had one of those “AH-HA” moments by sitting and watching TV with your little ones?

Not all children’s programing is mindless.  Today, after watching an episode of Mickey Mouse Club House with Jett, one of those little Disney shorts came on that I’ve never seen before.  It was really cute, so I decided to watch before changing to another episode for him.

It was Sam Sandwich and Kid Broccoli with a message that isn’t only for the little ones in your life, but it’s also great for adults.  One sentence in this segment stuck out to me.  It’s something that I know.  Something that I’ve been told for years.  Something that I feel each time I sit down at the table.

Food makes you grow and gives you energy, but eating too much food can slow you down and make you lazy.

When it comes to weight loss, no truer words could have ever been spoken by a floret of broccoli.

Think about it.

When you sit down to eat, your eyes and mind are telling you, “OH MY GOSH, I’m so hungry!  I’m going to eat every bit of this meal because it looks and smells so good.”  One portion is sufficient to give you energy and sustain you until your next meal, but you just can’t help yourself and you grab another helping.

With the Weight Loss is Easy book, I’ve learned how to eat what I want and get full without over-stuffing myself and becoming tired, slowed down, and lazy.  I’ve learned how to use water to help me be full until the next meal.

Portion control doesn’t have to be about starving yourself, but it also doesn’t mean that you have to have a super-sized meal to be full, either!

Check out the full episode!