How I got rid of migraines and 50 pounds!

Initially, I joined Plexus because I heard about the wonders it works to cut down on migraines. I've gone from 1-2 migraines a week to 1 migraine (or really bad headache) every 2 months or so. Because nothing else had ever worked for me weight loss wise, I had no idea just how awesome this little side effect of Plexus would be. It's been a life changer. This is from August 3 to January 31. 50 pounds lost. We just ordered Andy's Plexus welcome pack because he's ready to get serious about his health, too!)
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Kid’s Message about Over-Eating | Weight Loss is Easy

We all know that we can learn a thing or two just by listening to our kiddos, but have you ever had one of those "AH-HA" moments by sitting and watching TV with your little ones? Not all children's programing is mindless.  Today, after watching an episode of Mickey Mouse Club House with Jett, one of those little Disney shorts came on that I've never seen before.  It was really cute, so I decided to watch before changing to another episode for him. It was Sam Sandwich and Kid Broccoli with a message that isn't only for the little ones…
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Weight Loss is Easy – Blake Sylvia’s Weight Loss Program | #weightloss

Just about two months ago, I noticed that a lot of my local Facebook friends started liking a Facebook page about weight loss.  I figured that the person behind the page had to be someone local, because it wasn't rocket science to realize that the majority of the people I saw liking the page didn't really have a weight problem. I decided to follow suit and like the page as well. It wasn't until a couple of days later, when my mom brought over a book called "Weight Loss is Easy - How I Conquered 40 Years of Obesity" that I decided that it was time to look into this guy…
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Time to Reboot | #fitness #weightloss #health

Just a little before this time two years ago, I had lost about 45 or so pounds, and I was feeling great.  At the very end of 2010, I became pregnant with Jett. It was right about then that I threw everything I'd accomplished weight loss, and fitness wise, out the window. I stopped working out. I stopped watching my sugar and fat intake. I just stopped caring. In this time, I gained everything back that I had lost over the previous year, and then some. Now, not only do I look in the mirror and really detest what I…
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Quick weight loss update!

I just wanted to take a quick minute to report something great! Andy and I decided that we would stop eating out.  Period. We've gone more than a week without eating out one time, and we've both noticed that we've lost weight! Andy is down 3 pounds. I am down 2 pounds. Go us!  Eating at home equals weight loss for us!
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8 Tips to help stick to your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight

It's really no surprise that the number one New Year's Resolution, every year,  is to lose weight. Most of us spend the first month, or so, of the year trying to decide just how we're going to go about losing weight, and then, by the time we finally come up with a game plan, we've lost the desire. 1. Make sure you've made that mental decision to change your life, not just lose weight. Losing weight isn't just about getting up and dieting.  Diets fail. The only surefire way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to  make sure that…
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Why do we tend to overeat?

I have a big problem with portion control. Even though I eat healthy foods, it's NOT cool to overeat!  I've never really been asked WHY until yesterday. I spoke with Cynthia Pasquella, a very sweet and wonderful nutritionist, yesterday, and one of the things I told her is that I have a problem with portion control.  I don't know if I was expecting her to just jump right in and say, "well, what you need to do is xyz," but she didn't.  Not even close. You know what's cool about her?  She actually let me work out my OWN problem…
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Another one bites the dust!

ONE MORE POUND DOWN!!I've now lost 11 lbs! I have no lost that much weight on purpose) since I had Kylie! (That's 11 years! I lose weight when I am pregnant - that's not happening again! - and I lost a BUNCH of weight right before I had the emergency gall bladder this My body isn't doing this for me. Guess what folks!?! I AM DOING THIS!Super-dee-duper STOKED!Soon, I'll be "and another does, and another one another one bites the dust!... dun dun doot doo doo doot doot doot!"You know, I'm all about the visuals:11 lbs of petrified wood from…
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