Printable Christmas Games for all Ages – Great for Homeschool

Get all of the printable Christmas games you could ever one in one MEGA game pack!  There are more than 70 Christmas printables in this pack.  Are you a homeschooling family?  This is a MUST HAVE!  Not only are these games fun, but they are educational as well. Another name for Reindeer is? (Christmas Synonyms) For less than $20, you will have access to over 70 Christmas printables, and the great news is - NO SHIPPING!  Just in time for your Christmas parties!!  Purchase the MEGA pack once, and have a collection of Christmas printable games for years to come!…
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Origami Envelope Advent Calendars – Arrival of Christ(mas)

Every year, the kids and I get together and make Advent Calendars!  The word Advent simply means coming or arrival.  I can remember when I was little, and we had a calendar made out of green felt with red trim and red yarn dangling.  My parents would go purchase a pack of small candy canes and tie one to each set of yarn strands. My sisters and I would take turns every day, pulling off candy cane, counting down to the days of Christmas!  For many families, that's where the countdown ends.  For our family, it's a bit different! Yes,…
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101 Microwave Mug Cake Recipes Review and #Giveaway (closed)

Congratulations to our winner - Rachel!  You're going to LOVE this recipe book! :) Several weeks ago, Kylie and I decided to make a cake in the just for fun.  We googled a random recipe, followed it step by step, and it turned out to be a huge FLOP! Ironically, a few days after, I stumbled upon an opportunity to review a Microwave Mug Recipe Book that was actually featured on Rachel Ray!! I actually requested to review the Gluten Free version as I know there is a growing need for alternative snacks for those in need of special diets, …
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Free trial from Reading Eggs – Braxton and Hawk Approved!

I have FANTASTIC news for you from Reading Eggs! Braxton and Hawk both have their own ABC Reading Eggs accounts, and they absolutely LOVE to do their school work.  I'm so thankful I found this program, because not only is Braxton soaring (which is always great for a homeschooling mom to see!), but Hawk is even learning his letters and sounds at 3 years old. The boys really love making their own characters as well as going through the maps to achieve their goals.  This is an awesome program for both homeschooling families and those families just looking for a…
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A different kind of UFC Party – Red, Blue, and Brown Pride

Ok, ok, yes, that's a play on words.  Let me explain.  Last night, we went to our cousins' house for the Brock Lesnar and Cain Velasquez UFC fight. The food was great, and there were chair rentals and tents set up by my cousins. After some AWESOME food and lots of mingling, it was time for the prelimbs!  The men headed upstairs to the theater room,  and most of the girls excused themselves to the bathroom .  Cliche right? well, we weren't congregating to powder our noses, I can tell you that! Nope, this particular "Assembly of the Ladies" was actually…
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She's a Social Pixie Spreading Her Wings

If there's anything I've learned in this wide world of homeschool, it's that you kinda do what works for you and the little people, and don't let anyone push you do do anything differently!  Now, if I were a dead-beat mom who shut 'em up in their rooms with a loaf of bread, pan of water, and tv remote, that would be a totally different story! Contrary to what I figured coming into this, the family and my friends have been SO supportive and extremely helpful!  I even caught my mom telling Kylie the other day "you haven't even given…
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My Bamboo Boys – Homeschool Experience

I can't vlog, but they sure can!  If there's anything I've learned from this homeschool experience is that playing outside is a MAJOR part of the day.  Yesterday, we took the pool down to make way for the cooler temps and longer days playing in the backyard.  They now have a lot more room (8 feet in diameter to be exact!) to play outside, explore new things, and be boys! Today, we were going to talk about Fall and weather changes, however, this is the best way for them to experience first hand!
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