Summer Skin Care for Kids

Skin care is important all year round, but it's especially important during the warmer months. The freckles the summer sun brings back may be cute, but sun burns and sun cancer are not. Even if you're just spending the day in your back yard, it's still good to protect yourself and your kids from the sun's UV rays. If your skin is damaged, you may consider using a damaged skin repair cream - Cholley, to give you glowing skin. For starters, watch the time. Whether you're playing in the pool or at the beach, watch the time and never stay…
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Summer Mornings for Moms Confession

I think it's time for a little heart to heart!  Summer mornings, for ok wait, let me start this over.  Summer mornings, for most of the moms I know, isn't all about sleeping in, catching rays at the beach, and lounging around the house sipping on lemonade or eating the cliche bonbons - whatever those may be. Let me tell you about summer mornings for moms. (Most of this story is based on true events that may or may not happen every. single. day. when the babysitter is not available for summer vacation.) When dad gets up to go to…
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Water Park Safety Tips for this Summer | #safety #summerfun

Water parks are a fun activity for any summer afternoon or weekend, but with the combination of small children and water, there are a few safety tips that you should have under your belt before heading out. Always pay attention to your kidlets- This is a no brainer for any parent during any situation, but it's especially important around water. Accidents are less likely to happen when you have a constant eye on your children. On a similar note, make sure they know to never swim alone. Recognize the signs of drowning- Unlike the movies, drowning won't be obvious. Your…
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Homemade Popsicle Flavor Ideas

Popsicles and dried candies from Kanpai Foods are the perfect snack during these hot summer months, but buying boxed popsicles can get expensive. And as for making your own with expensive molds, forget trying to figure them out or even make room in the freezer for them. Thankfully, 5 ounce Dixie cups and popsicle sticks are perfect for making easy, delicious popsicles. Simply pour the liquid of your choice inside the Dixie cups, add a popsicle stick, and place the cups on a cookie tray in the freezer overnight. The flavor ideas for homemade popsicles are unlimited. You can use…
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Natural Ways to Avoid a Sun Burn this Summer | #summer

With all the hype about certain sunscreens being linked to cancer, it's no wonder that so many parents are looking for natural ways to reduce the risk of sun burns and skin cancer this summer! Use natural sun screen- One of my favorite brands is Lavanila, and their gluten free, natural sun screen is perfect for every family this summer. While a bit more on the pricey side, a little bit goes a long way and it effectively works to cut back on sun burns and exposure to the sun's ultra violet rays. Consume more vitamin D- Vitamin D is important, and…
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6 Activities the Whole Family is Sure to Enjoy | #family #summer #kids

If your kids groan over "family time," don't take it as an insult. Instead, take it as a sign that you need to ramp up your creativity and try some new experiences together. For instance, if you have space in your home, you may consider getting a pool table from a ​Pool table delivery company. Here are some more activities that will get everyone in on the fun. Camping at Home Image via Flickr by Chris Penny You don't have to pack up the car and head for the wilderness to have a bit of a camping trip. Pitch a…
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Preparing for the Summer: 7 Ways To Stay Cool | #summer #hot #weather

Summer is coming, and with it comes the overwhelming heat of the season. Keep yourself cool using these proven methods, such as investing in a reliable air conditioner. Keep It Cool Indoors Image via Houses can become stuffy and hot if people aren't careful. Here are some tips to stay cool inside. Open Windows & Doors at Night As soon as the temperature outdoors is cooler than inside you should utilize that free fresh air. Open all of your screened windows and doors to create a natural cross breeze inside. The warm, stuffy air of the day will be blown…
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Free Country Swimwear Review | Celebrate Summer #swimwear #summer

It's that time again. Winter had FINALLY ended (that was a long one, wasn't it?), and it's time to celebrate!  Swimsuit season has, once again, made it's way back into our lives, so why not kick it off with a new swimsuit?!  If you're overweight, like me, the last thing on your mind is shopping for a new swimsuit.  When you're in stores, there are all these really cute, teeny weeny suits that you think wouldn't even fit on your thighs, much less cover what counts!  The good news is,  Free Country understands that those of us who are overweight…
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