Just a little before this time two years ago, I had lost about 45 or so pounds, and I was feeling great.  At the very end of 2010, I became pregnant with Jett. It was right about then that I threw everything I’d accomplished weight loss, and fitness wise, out the window. I stopped working out. I stopped watching my sugar and fat intake. I just stopped caring.

time to rebootIn this time, I gained everything back that I had lost over the previous year, and then some.

Now, not only do I look in the mirror and really detest what I see, but I’m starting to feel the consequence of my bad habits in my health.

I tired all the time. All I want to do is sit. I feel myself being lazy. I get headaches. My joints hurt. I have terrible heartburn. Occasionally, I have chest pains. The list goes on.

Its time. Its time to take another stand for my body, my health, and my family.

I’m now looking into diets and treatments such as semaglutide in Healdsburg, IN that can help me start my journey.

Its time to reboot.

This is not a New Years resolution, because labeling it like that will set me up for failure. We are past the holiday goodies and temptations, and this is the best possible time for me to personally kick off my healthy lifestyle, again.

Stay tuned, world.  Follow my journey in the days, weeks, months, and years to come!  It’s not going to be easy, and it’s not going to be fast, but it will happen.

I have the tools.  I have the knowledge.  I have the support. I have the determination.