I didn’t say scariest.  I said creepiest.  I know we used that phrase all the time “creepiest ever!” or “best ever”, but there is something about a zombie mom holding a corpse baby that’s just plain creepy and almost not right.

My daughter and I found this in one of those Halloween stores that are only open for a couple of months each year.

Just looking at it was enough to make our jaws drop, but when you step on the little foot pedal that’s supposed to be hidden under something for guests to unknowingly step on when they walk up… that’s where it got INSANELY CREEPTASTIC.

My phone died right after we snapped this pic, so I wasn’t able to get a video, but I’m thankful that I found one on Youtube.  Check this out.

Crazy.. Creepy.  Without all the music in the background, her voice is SOOO creepy! That’s $219 of creepiness I will NOT be spending!!